We accommodate the dead Hurry up a luncheon Postpone the dinner date by an hour or so Pay rush charges on that suit thats been gathering dust since the last time Change into it in the afternoon and anticipating the questioning glances, have explanations at the ready for our altered garb We step from the asphalt to the grass like actors in the wings It is good to be out we think in the afternoon, the crisp autumn air is rejuvenating We acknowledge the solemnity with bowed heads but look at shoes and study the pile of dirt, the sheen on the coffin more beautiful than on any furniture we own. The sermon prompts us to draft versions of our own to be spoken later that evening, hopefully to wide, sympathetic eyes We greet and console, rumor tender tones, shake the feeble hand, pat the plump shoulder, and by the time we reach the eyes that are so mourned, we are in full character As for the dead, what is one to think of them? For they are dead And even the graveyards are built for the living
Om Rupani
If you've any comments on this poem, Om Rupani would be pleased to hear from you.