Some time after Penny's death, Stan received this unexpected postcard from a lady in Scotland whom he had never met:

To which Stan replied:

Dear Ms Cameron,

The message of which you apprise me
Thrills, but it does not surprise me.
A little thing like Death can't cage
A woman of such verve and rage
As Penny - she was fierce and brave,
Not to be silenced by the grave.

My Penny, I do miss her so.
If she calls again, please let her know
That as a wife she wasn't bad,
Though tiresome, lesbian and mad,
And I may well re-marry yet
(An Estonian from the Internet).
For even aggravating wives
Bring so much to our messy lives.


Stan Montgomery

And that really is the end of it - at least for the time being.

Helena Nelson and George Simmers would be glad to hear your comments about their sequence.