Timely Advice
"CALM! CALM! CALM!" said the Swatter to the Fly. "The freezer is full and brimming." "Oh thats a relief! then can I be an Egyptianized Mummy ?" "Not yet, FDA has not approved embalming fluid for those under an inch. "CALM! CALM! CALM!" said the Cannon to the Fodder. "We are perfecting guided missiles for more surgical strikes." "Oh thats a relief! No one knows my name and I gave up my email address." "CALM! CALM! CALM!" said the Chain Saw to the Plank. "Where is your sense of humour? This will really cut you up." "Oh thats a relief! Im tired of all this slap-stick stuff."
L. Fullington
If you've any comments on this poem, L. Fullington would be pleased to hear from you.