Prelude to Lunch on The Great China Wall (see Smithsonian, June issue, 2008.) Sun Zhenyuan (Sun Jen Ewan), custodian of the family’s Great Watch Tower knew to light the signal fire if there had been Tartars or marauding Mongols but supersonic jets took a shake of clenched fists. Dongjiakon (dawng jeen awkon)Village Where preservation begins on four thousand wall miles from sandy western desert’s origin To only forty miles distant from the Hobai (aw bi) Sea The crumbling old wall stands waiting. The Tourist trade might stop the Industrial World The creeping sand, then pipe in water, Grow back the trees, send those children To school without all the pollution to follow. But the villagers stay staunch and a few Vigorously launch their unconcerned sheep Stare at strangers, ignore the Wall While the Constable of the Wall now with badge Levies fines when he has to pick up the trash. L. Fullington |
If you have any comments on this poem, L. Fullington would be pleased to hear them.