Sasha Comes
(This game was invented by John Whitworth in his poem
"Sasha's Quarks."
Anyone can play by adding more verses.)
If Sasha were to come, we could throw ourselves a party,
we could play at being pirates,
we could nibble salted peanuts,
we could barbecue a piglet,
we could patronize a parrot,
if Sasha were to come, were to come, were to come,
if Sasha were to come right now.
If Sasha were to come, we could fire our attorney,
we could break the Ten Commandments,,
we could study Esperanto,
we could practice hatha yoga,
we could move to Costa Rica,
we could dance the hula-hula,,
we could liberate a penguin,
if Sasha were to come, were to come, were to come,
if Sasha were to come right now.
If Sasha were to come, we could get another kitten,
we could decorate the kitchen,
we could barbecue the parrot,
we could nibble our attorney,
we could underpay our taxes,
we could buy the next election,
we could throw the bloody battle,
we could have another bottle,
we could give ourselves a party
if Sasha were to come, were to come, were to come,
if Sasha were to come right now.
Gail White
If you have any comments on this poem, Gail White would be pleased
to hear from you.