This Idol
and its Shrine
This idol and its shrine of flesh
Are mine, and I am here
And I can break at my desire
What is my own.
I have obeyed my nature, lived
And suffered,
reasoned and believed,
According to the elements
That I received:
Exhausted what exists on earth,
Desired in vain that which
is not,
Dreamt will and power were one, fulfilled
My human lot,
Aspired to the stars, fought with myself,
Mixed and confounded all
things here,
Worn out my strength - What more have I
To hope or fear?
Far friend who lighted once wild hopes
Within my heart and fanned the
That burnt to waste - With this, with all,
It is the same:
The spirit escalades the heavens,
The shackled body keeps its
The heart is prodigal of pledges,
The hand refrains.
You opened once all Paradise
Before my eyes, then
reached your hand
And shut the portal - I believed,
And here I stand,
Irrevocably undeceived,
Alone outside the iron gate,
Desolate and resolved. Today
You will come too late.
Ann Keith
you have any comments on this poem, Ann Keith would be
pleased to hear from you.