I’ve always called her “Sugar”. Now they say
That sugar’s worse than saturated fat,
And so I changed the epithet – but, hey!
Why did she hit me with a baseball bat?

My name is May, a tough old boot,
And Maggie T. seems almost cute
Compared to me. Now England’s goose
Is cooked at last, I squeeze the juice.

I’m Vladimir; I’ll crush dissent
Now I’ve become your President.
You thought that it was Trump? Oh, no,
He’s just my toy - I run the show.

The one that didn't get away
The voters were sniffing the bait;
It was putrid and rotten, a stinker.
"Don't touch it!" I cried, but too late -
They had swallowed it hook, line and sinker.

Brian Allgar
If you have any comments on these poems, Brian Allgar
would be pleased to hear from you.