not yet light
but the first blackbird
rattles with alarm
last night’s rain
broken cherry blossom
troubles the gravel

the bare bramble hedge
clutches a coat of shadows
white frost clinging tight
three daffodils
drink at the kitchen table
deep in discussion

4.00 a.m.
wake: to the habit of thinking,
its known folds, this heavy winter
of stiff clothes, the weave
repeating under your hands;
to coverings, their disguise
rubbed thin in the wash, a near-enough fit
of cotton, worn to a thread,
not letting go, ever.

Blood oranges
Just when you thought the season was over
here they are: one stall
and one fruit sliced, a ruby,
showing its glowing heart, and all
the clouds, the threat of rain, lifts off
remembering Sicily, another market,
how the colour sings.
D.A. Prince
If you have any comments on this poem, D.A. Prince
would be pleased to hear from you.