Arnica for the Ego

Apply liberally to any surface of body and soul
afflicted with self-doubt and soul searching,
or bruised by intermittent grumpiness.
A compound of favourite influences, preferences,
blended strictly according to individual taste.
The following admixture by way of example:
Tincture of early summer sun-filled morning,
salve of blossoming shrubbery, scent of honeysuckle,
mixture of birdsong and droning insect life.
Sprinkle with butterflies and a chiffon breeze.
Fuse, through an open window, with a table
covered in books and writing materials,
balsam of background music, popular or classical,
aroma of pastry cooking, marinating meats.
Lace the whole with rum, ginger it up
with the occasional game of tennis or ten-pin,
add leaven of general knowledge crossword puzzles,
the occasional pinch of well-being brought by a postman
bearing a winning Premium Bond or a poetry acceptance,
compliment with regular phone-calls from children,
full-grown and going usefully about their own business,
fortify with one blonde, still slender after all these years.
Do not be afraid to exceed the stated dose.

Peter Wyton

If you have any thoughts on this poem,  Peter Wyton would be pleased to hear them.
