March Villanelle
Winter retreats. Light strengthens day by day.
With snowdrops over, primroses appear.
Now spring begins its progress towards May.
A chestnut’s crown is decked with an array
Of sticky pointed buds, a new leaf year.
Winter retreats. Light strengthens day by day.
Tits peck a fat-ball dangling from a bay
And loudly chirr for everyone to hear
Now spring begins its progress towards May.
The rooks impale their leatherjacket prey
Below the sward their bills evolved to spear.
Winter retreats. Light strengthens day by day.
Tough dandelions sink deep down in the clay
Tenacious tap roots difficult to clear
Now spring begins its progress towards May.
The time has nearly come when bluebells lay
On woodland floors a misty blue veneer.
Winter retreats. Light strengthens day by day
Now spring begins its progress towards May.
Jerome Betts
If you have any thoughts on this poem, Jerome Betts would
be pleased to hear them.