
Today, dear Lord, please may I star
as helpful, humble, etcetera

If that’s not possible, at least
don’t let me stray too far off piste

Of course, your will be done, not mine
however hard to know be thine

but any wriggle room’s just fine . . .


Other People

Other people seem content
with their allotted slot –
what happened to the Quality
Control, in that I’m not?

But what if other people
aren’t so otherly at all –
if inside they too fall apart . . .

How awful.



Each time we hear it ringing
in a near or far-off room
you rush off from my side

and when it’s once more safely
back in your hand, you shout
you can stop, I’ve found it now

leaving me silently asking
why you fail to pick up how
I wish that you’d replied.

Tom Vaughan

If you have any thoughts on these poems, Tom Vaughan
would be pleased to hear them.
