L O V E...
It’s not a dozen scentless, hothouse roses.
     It’s not a heart-shaped chocolate-box cliché.
It’s not the scorching kiss that lust imposes  
     To lead all weak and fevered flesh astray.
It’s not an aphrodisiacal dinner.
     It’s not a knight-and-damsel fairytale.
It’s not a diamond promise on a finger.  
     It’s not a flashy dress and pricy veil.
It’s not a melancholic joy-deflator.
     It’s not a bitter tongue that tethers dreams.
It’s not a dour, draconian dictator
     That states that all ends justify the means.
It’s words that every selfless soul has spoken.  
     It’s songs that soar above the spinning sphere.
It’s heaven’s gift – a sky-high, golden token
     That shines its rays when days are dark and drear.
It’s ears that hear the fears beneath your laughter.  
     It’s eyes that warm you when your world is cold.
It’s hands that hold you here and ever after –  
     Beyond the age when bones and hope grow old.
It’s never been a borrower or lender.  
     It’s given free and unconditionally.
Its flame burns with an honesty and splendor  
     That blazes in the bond of you-and-me.
It’s your rest when you are weary, lost and lonely.
     It’s your peace when here on earth you’re ash and dust.
It’s forever with your cherished one and only.
     Love’s a pleasure... Love’s a savior... Love’s a must.

Susan J. Bryant

If you have any thoughts on this poem,  Susan J. Bryant 
would be pleased to hear them.
