A Needless Question

Why in the midst of great sorrow and loss?
Does the interviewer ask how you feel;
They must realise you’ve not made it up,
They must see your emotions are real.

The tears on your cheek, the grief in your eyes,
Give a powerful portrayal on screen;
No need to inflict this depth of inspection,
When empathy and support should be seen.

A stuttering try to explain the pain,
Too often met with an inane reply;
They must have had training for times like this,
Or do they want the observer to cry?

Is this how we show we know how you feel,
Straining to look on with hope in retreat;
Is this not a time for comfort and love,
To show commitment and strength not defeat?

Is it easier to make a victim,
By hiding behind our own reticence;
Is it better to see people wallow,
Or should we commend their resilience?

Alan Millichip

If you have any thoughts on this poem, 
Alan Millichip would be pleased to hear them.
