
Harvard Removes Book Binding of Human Skin.
                                                        -  title from a New York Times headline

 One book on Harvard’s shelves,
Bound, sheds that layer, which
Now causes shame.

Earlier attitudes
Sought to legitimise
Skin in the game.


Scientists have discovered a worm that managed to stretch its short life expectancy — by tens of thousands of years. A tiny roundworm was revived after it was frozen in Siberian permafrost
46,000 years ago, when Neanderthals still walked the Earth. The worm, a previously unknown species of nematode, survived after entering a dormant state known as cryptobiosis, during which the animal doesn’t eat and lacks a metabolism.
                                                                 -National Public Radio

Stone Age life bears the cost;
Nematodes chill, put lost
Vitals on hold,

Saving themselves to be
Thawed at twice 23
Thousand years old.

Chris O'Carroll

If you have any thoughts about these poems,  Chris O'Carroll  would be pleased to hear them
