


Taliban fighters patrolling the streets in Kabul told sources that “contraceptive use and family planning is a western agenda”.
                                                                        The Guardian
Our religion expects, when a woman has sex,
            a new fruit to emerge from the seed.
She was given a womb as a home, not a tomb,
            to advance her sole purpose: to breed.
It’s a wife’s sacred duty: to wrap up her beauty,
            for her lord to uncover each night;
since her body’s a field, it should constantly yield,
            bearing fruits from her master’s delight.
We shall clean out the grunge of the vaginal sponge,
            in fulfillment of God’s holy will.
The Almighty will damn the profane diaphragm,
            and condemn those who swallow the pill.
If a husband connives with his wife (or his wives)
            so fertility’s blessings are blocked,
as he slips on the condom, God’s wrath falls upon them,
            and her portal henceforth shall be locked.
Thus the westerners’ dream, their supremacist scheme,
            to inhibit our God-chosen race,
is decisively dashed – we shall grow, unabashed,
            with each God-prescribed nightly embrace.
Our religious exertions conclude with conversions
            as the infidels finally learn –
and the ones who resist will be cuddled and kissed
            by the hellfires in which they must burn.

Philip Kitcher

If you have any thoughts about this poem,  Philip Kitcher would be pleased to hear them
