to health is life’s greatest hindrance” - Plato
Which Doctor?
I have a gnawing in my heart
That niggles noon till night.
All rhyme and reason fall apart –
My rhythm isn’t right.
I cannot fight this nagging blight
With symptoms so perverse
That when I seek a remedy
My malady gets worse.
I have a harpy in my head
Whose carping pains my brain
With wails to wake the very dead
And drive the live insane.
If only experts could explain
The causes of my curse –
But when I seek a remedy
My malady gets worse.
I have a shiver neath my skin
That quivers through my bones.
I have an itch and twitch within
My optic rods and cones.
A specialist would probe these zones
Assisted by a nurse –
But when I seek a remedy
My malady gets worse.
I need to heed the grim alarm
That’s ringing in my ears,
Alerting me to certain harm
From snowy-coated seers
With stethoscopes and fierce ideas
To which
I am averse –
For when I seek a remedy
My malady
gets worse.
My stressful quest to find the best
Physician blessed with skill
May lay my sickly soul to rest
With pills for every ill
On which I’ll choke – my cure could kill
Then toss me in a hearse –
Cos when I seek a remedy
My malady gets worse.
Susan Jarvis Bryant
If you have any thoughts about this poem, Susan Jarvis Bryant would
be pleased to hear them