I dont know what she really does for living,
Other than she lives.
Perhaps it is to squeeze beer mats dry
Or smile curtly at the customers,
Whose stains she intermittently wipes.
A rat ran between our legs
Dripping with liquid; smelling
For drains. The sun wove itself
In the patchy fur of its back.
She stood unfazed
Like a mast in a half-expected squall
Yet I noticed the squalid cloth in her hand
Crumbling under the squeeze;
Her white knuckles froze with pressure.
Nothing was spoken, the window was closing.
I wanted to bite her lips for pleasure
But between us sat a table and several chairs.
No whistles could be heard. No fox cries or dog barks.
Just the continuous sound overhead
Of a possibility swarm
Humming sadly and very loud.
Hassan Abdulrazzak
If you've any comments on his poem, Hassan Abdulrazzak would be pleased to hear from you.