Snakeskin is three
years old this month, and we're celebrating this (for
a monthly zine on the Web) quite unusual longevity by
beginning a new publishing venture. For a Poet's Wunderkammer
by L.Fullington is the first of what we hope will
become a regular series of e-chapbooks. A selection
of her poems (many of which have appeared in
Snakeskin over the past two years) have been
collected into a word-processor file that the reader
can download, and then print off at leisure.
It is an attempt to give Snakeskin
poets a more permanent format than that afforded by
pixels on a screen. We would welcome comments on the
venture. Is this a project that you will find useful?
Are poems easier to read on paper than on the screen.
Let us know.
L. Fullington is an American poet
whose crisp and generally calm poems of ironic
observation have been a regular feature of our
magazine for the past two years. Less flashy than
some poets, she has maintained a quality of writing
that is particularly impressive when her work is
Download For a Poet's Wunderkammer
If you've any comments on her work,
L.Fullington would
be pleased to hear from you.
If you've any comments on the
e-chapbook idea, or if you have any technical
problems with the file, please contact the