The Vision Quest 
Meant deliberate Deprivation. 
Alone in the night in some kind of wilderness. 
Hungry many nights 
Braving eyes that watched 
Ready to spring 
With no regard for Visions.  
For them a double Sun rose. 
and Waterfalls from the trees. 
The Wind became a breeze 
saying "Now drink " 
For me the Traffic parted 
when I jay walked the street 
Street signs and Street Lights 
meant nothing and counted  
on Gravity's release of 
Vehicular movement 
for their significance.
The Vision had not come. 
The Song lodged in my throat. 
Back to the singular Sun 
Where a black-tailed Swallow waited 
to ask me my name. 

L. Fullington

If you've any comments on this poem, L. Fullington would be pleased to hear from you.

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