November 2001
Number 72

Helena Nelson
Found poems: fragments
& theories from

Madeleine Burns

Laird Barron

Chris Beaton
Dead Beat

Richard Fein
Searching for my Zygote

Nicolette Turner

Lyn Moir
Rundale Palace, Southern Latvia
Whose Kitchen, Anyway?

Lotty Walker

Paul Perry
In the Country Where it is Always Winter

Liam Wilkinson
Hanging Sonnet


In Our Troubled Times

Richard Fein
With and Without

Hassan Abdulrazzak

L. Fullington
Perhaps There Is no Choice
A Hypertext Poem

Linda Crespi
War Poem

Bruce Bentzman's
Suburban Soliloquy #47

This once famous painting by Elizabeth Thompson (Lady Butler) depicts Dr William Brydon, an assistant surgeon in the Bengal Army, arriving at the gates of Jellalabad on his exhausted and dying horse. He was thought to be the sole survivor of the 16,000 strong British expedition, forced to retreat from Kabul through snow-covered passes during the first Afghan War. Later, though, a few other stragglers successfully made the long journey back to base.

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