Boxed Out
How clumsy climax is, for too much is still confused, unanswered, like a lingerering fever.
How much was my desire one to possess? how much some frustration from Mother's sour paps? how much merely a glass of years clouding?
We cannot know, can know only my act is over, the show has been long, your "beautiful character" must now go back into a little box to await someone else who wants a performer.
It's just that I want to shout across our glass that I am grateful for your few smiles, angry that you smiled so seldom.
How strange it seems only now to see what has always been, a good relationship, but lonely and transient. The other was a dream I had from which....
Understandably you fidget.
In time you will know the exaggerations of the heart, but not from this teacher.
My box is ready, and I feel safely unfeeling. Our detachment may endure.
Louie Crew
If you've any comments on this poem, Louie Crew would be pleased to hear from you.