Voice Mail
I am currently out
of my office (Choose One):
speaking to a hoard of salt flecked
seals slithering in shallow shoals
roaring my advice through a meadow
larks lungs, perched in the presidents tree
juggling anvils, wrists popping with sweat,
indigo veins bulging with rhythm and weight
on vacation with a starlet so famous her name
sends shivers through every fountain in town
hiding behind ebony lenses, living the life
my body in its dull clay has never believed
wading into a pool boiling with dragons
breath, climbing heat waves to the jagged stars
Thanks for calling. At the tone please leave
your message. When the sky rips open and Messiah
strides toward earth on a stairway strung of angels
hair and breath, you will need no answer from me.
Steve Klepetar
If you've any comments on this poem, Steve Klepetar would be pleased to hear from you.