"In the following
pages I offer nothing more than simple facts,
plain arguments, and common sense; and have no
other preliminaries to settle with the reader,
than that he will divest himself of prejudice and
prepossession, and suffer his reason and his
feelings to determine for themselves; that he
will put on, or rather that he will not put off,
the true character of a man, and generously
enlarge his views beyond the present day."
Thomas Paine, Common Sense
The United States
was a product of the Age of Enlightenment, the
Enlightenment being a necessary precursor to the founding
of this nation. Our nation's Founding Fathers read the
books and letters written by the Enlightenment's thinkers
and came to share the same confidence in reason and a
faith that science would uncover the laws of nature, the
laws of God. Our Founding Fathers shared the
Enlightenment's criticism of myths and miracles, which
they regarded as allegorical and not literally. In Europe
the Enlightenment's philosophes had ridiculed religious
superstitions, particularly those of the Roman Catholic
Church. Freethinkers quarreled with the church's
suppression of knowledge and science and they countered
with a demand for the free exercise of human reason.
While most did not abandon a belief in the existence of a
God, many, like Francis Bacon and David Hume, elevated
skepticism, objectivity, and experimentation.
In the British colonies that dotted the coastline of
North America in the 18th Century, the Enlightenment took
seed in a loose, fertile soil that was not available in
old Europe. While Europe was still in the throes of
religious strife and different Christian sects competed
to gain or retain power, here the colonies eventually
came together and crafted a constitution to provide a
relative tolerance of religious differences, brought
about by the desire of multitudinous sects wanting to be
spared persecution from each other.
The Founding Fathers and the rising middle class of
businessmen saw the value of tolerance as practiced by
the Dutch colony that founded what was to become New York
City, to this day the greatest center of tolerance,
diversity, and business in the world. The ideas of the
Enlightenment's political philosophers, particular John
Locke, came to fruit in this nation, far from the lands
oppressed by rich families, dogmatic prelates, and
royalty; they who, in order to protect their positions,
needed to restrain any government born of a meritocracy
rather than a right of birth.
The Founding Fathers constructed a government based on a
model that pre-dates Christianity, the Roman Republic, to
which they added a more universal suffrage. Into this new
government they built a separation between church and
state as was not to be found in Europe. These eminent
ideals are the foundation of this nation and should be
the focus of every patriot's loyalty. In this country, in
these times, those eminent ideals are in decay, the
Enlightenment is dying. There is a group of politicians
managing and directing the country who have turned their
backs on ideas of rationality and scientific
observations. The politicos in power have retreated from
reason. Reason is once again being replaced by debasing
Religious zealots came out in a massive voting block to
support the Republican Party, to vote the Bush
Administration into office. They were enough to make the
difference. They have the President's ear and through him
they have endeavored to advance their religious and
political views to the detriment of common sense,
justice, and science. Here are just some of the points of
These zealots would have the teaching of evolution
replaced by a preposterous myth of creation. They scorn
our knowledge of astronomy, physics, and geology. They
have used this Administration to pressure the National
Park Service at the Grand Canyon to sell creationist
literature at the Park Service bookstore. Alongside books
of geology are books to tell visitors that the Grand
Canyon was recently and suddenly gouged by the flood of
Noah's time. It is a myth not even original to the Jews,
but modeled on a Sumerian myth at least two thousand
years older, a time when the world was thought flat.
These same zealots want to abolish abortion because of an
absurd belief that at conception, when a determined
little sperm nails the egg, at the same instant a
supernatural power inserts a divine spirit. They want
every human zygote endowed with the legal rights of an
individual and abortion to be regarded as murder. To
abolish abortion has as much validity as to abolish the
eating of pork. To make laws against embryonic stem cell
research has as much validity as to impose on the nation
a ban of all medical procedures in accordance with the
Christian Science Church. This United States must not
allow any religious sect to impose their particular
mythology on the diverse whole of its citizenry. The
separation between church and state must be maintained.
Too many people in this country believe theirs is the one
true religion. They lack the common sense to recognize
there are diverse religious beliefs sharing the same
confidence. The zealots in our country are unable to
believe the epiphany they experience in their faith is no
different than the epiphany experienced by other's of a
different faith. We need to restore common sense and
acknowledge that unless diversity is preserved and
protected from the tyranny of any single sect, no one is
entitled to freedom.
I am writing because I have grievances against the
President. I am insulted by his speeches, the
condescending way he speaks in uninformative platitudes.
He is dismissive of his opponents, as if their point of
view is unworthy of consideration. He stands before the
collected body of the United Nations and lectures them as
a would-be parent, instructing them in ethics and
morality. He seems to believe in the exclusivity of his
one true religion, that his God instructed him to make
war in Iraq, that he can condone treatment approaching
torture (if it isn't already torture). The President
causes us to be less distinguishable from our enemies
even as he distances us from the ideals of our
The Bush Administration is trying to undo the
Enlightenment, the very ideas and principles that stood
at the foundation of our system of government. With fear
mongering he attempts to enslave us to an obedience of
superstitions. He asks us to trust him even while
refusing to share information. But now elections are
returning. It is a chance to restore the nation's former
ideals, those principles hammered together by the
brilliant minds who authored our Constitution. There is
hope to see the present Administration hindered, even
crippled, by eliminating the support they have had from
the Legislature. Reason cannot be extinguished. The Bush
Administration is only a setback.