
Internet Dating
At first my ‘best side’ photo is mobbed by men
so feel like Scarlett O’Hara at a ball,
until I discover lads seeking carefree cougar sex
or a meal ticket,
and, from my own demographic; 
inquiries after my hosiery,
and panting mobile numbers .
I search through my matches, past Kray-twin lookalikes,
married men wearing tell-tale dark glasses,
sad self portraits with bed sit back grounds,
for the handful of guys I might accept a drink from -
beginning to e-flirt with grin and wink emoticons,
over the week I virtual two time
men from Rochester and Deal,
who  bus-stop chat about  work and their tea,
neither making the gear change up to seduction.

Difficult I suppose for most blokes
who barely scrawl a birthday card for mum,
to strike a balance between “ Hello Sexy” and “ It’s raining here”,
and write me into bed with Casanova craft.

Fiona Sinclair

If you have any comments on this poem,  Fiona Sinclair would be pleased to hear from you.
