
A Leg to Stand On

Choose flat comfortable footwear
No heels, flip-flops, sandals.

Glossy pictures of granny shoes, velcroed slippers.
sturdy elastic-sided boots portray my future,
as soon as I can stand on my own one foot.

But I have itchy foot - I want to twirl, tango, strut.
I buy one glittering mule, diamanté-heeled,
a jewelled designer flip-flop, a shocking-pink, feathered wedge.
I try not to think of their partners coffined in boxes
as I try not to think of scarlet-painted toes,
shattered bones, twisted muscle,
burnt, gone.

Checking a silver sandal in the mirror
I watch as light sparkles on rubies
and put my best foot forward.

Christine Griffin

If you have any thoughts on this poem, Christine Griffin
would be pleased to hear them.
