
A Few Favourite Things

Beetroot, puffins, barn owls, sheep,
silence, Marmite, pillows, sleep,
naked swimming, hugging trees,
Rufus Wainwright, Scotsmen’s knees,
Greta Thunberg, linnets, larks,
Mary Poppins, London parks,
Joni Mitchell, cheese on toast,
candlelight, the Holy Ghost,
railway stations, Exmoor Zoo,
Mahler’s 9th and Paddington 2,
oboes, pine cones, pangolins,
several of the deadly sins,
Piccalilli, pie and mash,
Ivor Cutler, Ogden Nash,
Christmas Eve, the Ning Nang Nong,
levity, brevity, soul and song.

Annie Fisher

If you have any thoughts on this poem, 
Annie Fisher would be pleased to hear them.
