Minnie with your polka dot bow and outsized
(three black, two red, one blue)
Oh, Olive Oyl you’re wiry thin
with slick-back hair, more neck than chin,
punch-out Bluto, you’re Popeye’s chick.
Oh, Minnie Mouse you veX our seX
Oh, Betty Boop with cute black curls,
a strapless dress; the garter girl
who scats in joints. Does not turn tricks.
Oh, Minnie Mouse you veX our seX.
Oh, Wilma in your ermine gown,
you make Dino put Flintstone down,
three pebble choker round your neck.
Oh, Minnie Mouse you veX our seX.
Oh, Marge, the wife with tall blue hair
and yellow skin, your shoulders bare,
stops Simpson kids all being jerks
Oh, Minnie Mouse you veX our seX.
Oh, Jessica with bear-trap sway,
not bad at all just drawn that way,
plays pat-a-cake in sparkling frocks.
Oh, Minnie Mouse you veX our seX.
Sue Spiers
If you have any thoughts on this poem, Sue Spiers would be
pleased to hear them.