You and I
Do you remember when you and I
chased each other round Tesco
and you caught me by the cheesecakes?
My base crumbled.
Do you remember when we
rode the bus on Guy Fawkes night,
and you watched the sparks outside,
while I ignited?
Do you remember
dirty burgers on dress-up Sundays,
belly laughs at the skate park,
the sun streaming down on our joined hands
like applause?
And do you remember when we
sat up by the Dovecote
on that mound we called Cowshit Hill,
and you told me I was ruler of the world,
although we both knew
it was you?
Of course you don’t remember.
Because it wasn’t you, exactly.
More the idea of you.
Nina Parmenter
If you have any
thoughts on this poem, Nina
Parmenter would be pleased to hear them.