
a villanelle

Free speech is deemed a dastardly affront
To fussers flustered by a flip-side view,
So cut communication to a grunt.

Long gone are times when tongues were loose and blunt –
One saucy quip and someone’s sure to sue.
Free speech is deemed a dastardly affront.

All beefing bleaters born to bear the brunt
Of repartee will cause a ballyhoo,
So cut communication to a grunt.

Be warned if chit-chat irks, your kin may shunt
You off to find your charm and missing screw.
Free speech is deemed a dastardly affront.

The beastly-banter squad are on the hunt
For tactless terms tagged toxic or taboo,
So cut communication to a grunt.

To speak one’s mind is such a risky stunt
To pull in front of runts who squeal on cue.
Free speech is deemed a dastardly affront,
So cut communication to a grunt.

Susan Jarvis Bryant


If you have any thoughts on this poem, Susan Jarvis Bryant would be pleased to hear them.
