
A Springtime Sermon
for Government-Anointed Experts


“Political language... is designed to make lies sound truthful and  murder respectable, and to give solidarity to pure wind.” ~ George Orwell 

Serve up an April picnic
That’s shy of one pork pie.
Make fruitful news so nutty
All rationale will fry
In lands of clouds and cuckoos 
Where pigs and pop stars fly.
Heed the politician’s rule – 
Push the lie and play the fool.
Reveal your wheel is turning
Although your hamster’s dead.
Make sure your tongue keeps spinning
Though nothing’s in your head
But tumbleweed a-tumbling
And drivel laced with dread. 
When fretters sweat, stay icy cool – 
Push the lie and play the fool.
Cultivate the kangaroos
Loose in your top paddock.
Quell the smell of fishy clues
Pungent as a haddock. 
Shine your shoes and buff your schmooze,
Puff up like a peacock.
Pitch to every useful tool – 
Push the lie and play the fool.
Flummox, fox, and obfuscate, 
Bloviate with keenness.
Sell free speech as harm and hate,
Cash in on your meanness.
Claim that men can menstruate
And women have a penis.
Peddle the grotesque and cruel – 
Push the lie and play the fool.
When your reputation’s shot
By deeds too dire to mention,
Serve a double dose of rot
With haughty condescension. 
Snort and sneer, be swift to trot
With your colossal pension…
While successors play the fool
Guzzle cocktails by the pool. 

Susan J. Bryant


If you have any thoughts on this poem, Susan J. Bryant would be pleased to hear them.
