Route Home is Shaped Like a Sound Wave
That little radio tower I swallowed in 1998 finally grew up
and started broadcasting. I
was sure
its first word would be precipitation,
a newscast,
but it is a music station.
Singing in the car is someone better at singing
than me singing in the car.
I know structured air is invisible but so are ghosts, and we can
see them too.
The cilia in your ear canal lean
Sound leaks
to other sections of my head: rotates
my voice box like a turnstile, on the way
of my mouth.
Why can’t human biological systems, be composed
of more
melodic materials, like crystal?
I think
this when my voice smears
lipstick on a goblet.
Coins love the noise
of clinking together as much
as we do.
Valerie Loveland
Valerie Loveland thinks the viola is the best instrument in the
orchestra. Her email is
and her website is