Key to the Map of Sound
Breakfast today was two fried eggs, sunny side up,
on toast left to cool slightly so the yellow butter
didn’t break the surface, with a pink-rimmed cup
containing black coffee with a lump of brown sugar,
plus streaky bacon turned in the dark-blue AGA
and dipped in red sauce, all on a new, milk-white
plate with green rim, which, when eating was over,
and I was quench’d and sated, feeling alright,
I left to soak in soapy bubbles in the kitchen sink.
I belched quite crudely then, which was my food
popping up to say ‘hello,’ and drank of my drink,
the coffee from its pot, coffee which can be renewed,
and, grateful for plenitude, felt somewhat satisfied,
and took my leisure to the beautiful world outside.
John F B Tucker
If you have any thoughts about this poem, John F B Tucker would be
pleased to hear them