Bring Me Sunshine
i.m. Eric and Ernie
Bring me the summer, golden and warm
Bring me the rainbow after the storm
Bring me the morning after the night
Bring me, post-blindness, miraculous sight
Bring me wise friends, bring me long days
Bring me a god I can trust and can praise
Bring me the answer, bring me the clue
to the hope I shall know to be anchored and true
Bring me the bridegroom, bring me the bride
who’ll spend a whole lifetime side-by-side
Bring me fine wine, from an ancient estate
Bring me the patience to plant trees and wait
for the landscape my children’s grandchildren will see
in its final perfection. Bring me carefree
dips off a pristinely fabulous beach
where soft wavelets whisper for hours, each to each
Bring me the government, stable and wise
with a waste paper basket for spin and for lies
Bring me the world where confident peace
has been freely agreed on a thousand year lease
Bring me the universe where the spheres sing
Handel or Bach. Where there isn’t the sting
of knowing the whole thing must be a fraud.
Then bring me the mindset which wouldn’t be bored . . .
Tom Vaughan
If you have any thoughts about this poem, Tom Vaughan would be
pleased to hear them