Silence is Golden
Or so we say, breaking
the silence. But when said and done
what happens to words? I think they go
into the silence where there are none
the silence we ordered them to shun
There are thoughts you can’t help
but must not say –
evil’s in
the everyday
tiny, frustrated
truths which, spoken,
slowly mean
loved hearts are broken.
Whether or not you loved me
I know I’ll never know
which is part of the reason I stayed with you
until you chose to go.
Whether or not I loved you
is equally unclear
unless love and need are so tangled up
one means the other’s there.
It happens when you’re not looking, and when you are
it’s slipped away.
It’s only looking back, you’re sure it was there
or wasn’t, or suspect
it always is, and that it’s you
who is or isn’t, while it bedazzles, everywhere
I’d like
our old
to lie together
one last time –
to lie
Tom Vaughan
If you have any thoughts about this poem, Tom Vaughan would be
pleased to hear them