
Words of Wisdom

“The only true wisdom is knowing
you know nothing.” ~ Socrates

She knows the what. She knows the why.
     She knows the when and where.
Her tireless tongue will testify
     She knows the foul from fair –
A lofty boffin strutting tall,
This knowing crower knows it all. 
He knows the how. He knows the who. 
     He knows the this and that. 
He has a noble global view.
     He knows the earth’s not flat –   
A hoity-toity oracle, 
This knowing crower knows it all.
She knows what’s best. She knows the rest
     Of all there is to know.
She knows in every egghead test
     Her laser brain will show
Her nifty neurons never stall – 
This knowing crower knows it all.
He knows the ins. He knows the outs.
     His cranium is crammed
With stacks of facts. He has no doubts 
     That dunderheads are damned.
He never drops the bombast ball –   
This knowing crower knows it all.
She knows the ups. She knows the downs.
     Her noodle’s thrice the size
Of cogs that crank in clueless of clowns
     Who’ll never be as wise
As her – the belle of wisdom’s ball –  
This knowing crower knows it all.
He knows his noggin’s hot to trot 
     And blaze throughout the day.
He knows his upper story’s got
     An unsurpassed display
Of grand grey matter – wall to wall –   
This knowing crower knows it all.
Alas, they’re not as right or bright 
     As they would like to think.
A swollen-headed oversight
     Oft causes wits to shrink.
The bigger picture’s always small
For knowing crowers knowing all.
The key to smarts is more than sparks
     That spur the cerebellum. 
The songs of hearts and meadowlarks
     Soar heaven-high to tell ‘em – 
The only one who knows it all
Knows crowing comes before a fall. 

Susan Jarvis Bryant

If you have any thoughts about this poem,  Susan Jarvis Bryant  would be pleased to hear them
