I Remember My Father
My Father is a Rhinoceros
He charges into the kitchen.
I hide under the table.
He knocks the table onto me.
He is scary but means well.
I Am a Child
at almost seventy.
My father tells me what to do.
He yells at me
when I fuck up.
My Father Loves My Mother
But she doesn’t love him.
He tries to please her.
He buys her whatever she wants.
She wants a divorce.
He Has Girlfriends
When we lose my mother,
he goes out with other women.
I guess he is charming.
To them.
My Father Dies
I am hoping he will live forever.
Not in heaven or hell.
But somewhere he gets back
what he dished out.
I Remember My Father
Putting me on the refrigerator.
And leaving me there.
Taking me to Psych Institute.
And leaving me there.
Marjorie Sadin
If you
have any thoughts about this poem, Marjorie Sadin would be
pleased to hear them