 Sheena’s Song

i.m. Sheena Laing, 14.05.2020

The sun is shining, the sky is blue,
not even a cloud to spoil the view
and they’re going to burn my body today,
I left it behind, I threw it away.

I died at night in a hospital bed
and now I’m off to the land of the dead.
They’re going to burn my body today,
I left it behind, I threw it away.

I slipped betwixt and I slipped between
thanks to a virus called Covid 19.
They’re going to burn my body today,
I left it behind, I threw it away.

Sing me a song, pray me a prayer,
I’m with the angels (who knows where).
They’re going to burn my body today,
I left it behind, I threw it away.

They can’t invite you because of the fix:
funeral numbers are down to six.
They’re going to burn my body today,
I left it behind, I threw it away.

Without so much as a creak or a cough
I left my body and now I’m off.
No pain, no bruises, no burden to bear.
They’re burning my body, and I don’t care.

Helena Nelson

If you have any thoughts about this poem, Helena Nelson would be pleased to hear them
