The Power of Now
Heaven knows just when and how
My bliss-blessed blaze of days will end.
That’s why I prize the here and now.
My spirit craves to climb, not cow.
All irksome ills I will transcend.
Heaven knows just when and how
I’ll choke upon a parting Ciao!
To tune in to the tombstone trend.
That’s why I prize the here and now –
That’s why I’ve quit the knit of brow
Plus wring of hand – that wretched blend.
Heaven knows just when and how
My beaten heart will take a bow
And meet the Reaper round the bend.
That’s why I prize the here and now.
I vow to relish every Wow!
Before I see the scythe descend.
Heaven knows I know just how
To prize the giddy gift of now.
Susan Jarvis Bryant
If you
have any thoughts about this poem, Susan Jarvis Bryant
would be pleased to hear them