Another Blue Shrimp
It’s shrimp weather
email from New York Times Cooking 12th July 2024

You have a day. It’s grey to start,
But soon starts warming up to pink.
You wonder, what’s the nicest part?
If badly handled, it may stink.
It can be prickly, slimy too
(Depending whom you chance to meet);
Greed is uncouth, and bad for you:
Don’t seize more day than you can eat.
It’s tangy even when it’s fresh.
It should not be consumed too fast;
The taste of every one is spec-
ial somehow. Try to make it last.
Don’t throw it out like something cheap;
But don’t forget: it will not keep.
Ruth S. Baker
If you have any thoughts about this poem, Ruth S. Baker would be
pleased to hear them