Game Changer

There are processional caterpillars
in our neighbourhood and earth worms.
Sometimes we can’t tell them apart
don’t notice the lethal little hairs
that spread toxicity until we remark
they have stripped the trees bare.
Sometime we don’t want to dig
into our own psychology.
Then we should remember the worms
who improve soil quality
turn it over and open it up
attracting divergent birds.
There are big butterflies which
dazzle our attention with exotic colours.
They discreetly lay their eggs
inside our palm trees
and the lava eat their hearts away.
lt makes me think of vociferous politicians
who openly project their hatred
onto stereotypes of strangers. Don’t let them
use your anger about frustrations
to bind you to to their egos.
Don’t mistake them for a reincarnations,
They won’t bring back past situations.
But in Paris tonight
acrobats seize strands of light
weave them over the water to unite
five circles, continents in an effort
of self-mastery that transcends nations.
Barges bubbling in celebrations;
upbeat athletes in plastic macs beam.
The refugees a team of mixed origin.
We follow the flame bearer to Notre Dame
It’s restoration almost completed.
A chevalier spreads « the force »
gallops the Seine on a metal horse.
Ravel splashes from a floating piano.
Water molecules run into the river
and merge. Humans can merge too,
on the back of the T-shirt opposite:
Arschloch de tous pays unissons nous
We could connect on many levels .
Kate Hill-Charalambides
If you have any thoughts about this poem, Kate Hill-Charalambides would
be pleased to hear them