Sardonic Sonnet
(you know
who you are)
Creative Writing’s merely masturbation,
just get one out, they say, well, fuck them all.
Poetry depends on inspiration,
sweating the Muse, a passion on the boil.
Too much crap ends up in prestige journals
— subscribers scratch their heads and feel like fools.
Creative’s protégés enjoy nocturnals
of self-consuming dribbles, drips and drools.
If you have nothing much to say, don’t say it;
poetry isn’t subject to directives.
Observe, think for yourself, and then create
— but only when you’ve got your own perspectives.
Who gives a toss for pimps or poetasters
— no one likes abortions, or disasters.
Philip Dunkerley
If you have any thoughts about this poem, Philip Dunkerley
would be pleased to hear them