Everywhere you go, Everywhere you go
People want to know, People want to know
Who you are, Who you are
So you tell them, So you tell them:
I’m a patchwork brat-kid
Yes sir, as you were
High-speed, ID
All right, sit tight
Head down, leave town
Everywhere you go, Everywhere you go
People want to know, People want to know
Who your daddy is, Who your daddy is
So you tell them, So you tell them:
He’s a heel-click, shellback
Bang-bang, mustang
Wing-nut, buzz cut
Rainbow, CO
Gold star, hooah.
Everywhere you go, Everywhere you go
People want to know, People want to know
Where you come from, Where you come from
So you tell them, So you tell them:
I’m from nowhere hometown,
Thin-air, base-bound
Mercenary, commissary
Quick time, nine klicks
Dear John, movin’ on
Everywhere you go, Everywhere you go
People want to know, People want to know
Who you are, Who you are
So you tell them, So you tell them
I don’t know.
I don’t know.
T. Frazier
If you have any thoughts about this poem, T. Frazier would be
pleased to hear them