Love Love, and the air thick with lunacy. It floats on the air like sunshine burning, each air mote touched, each second sounded. And such candescence sparkles like the angel we forgot to meet but which does not matter, the full sky lit for us, the rose nodding approvals that come like hymns sung loud. And with the disturbance of the world gone there is time for pleasure, time for a pleasure not yet seen in the dark days of detachment that filled each moment, each second burned into the skin, the atonement of the day's farewells. Love, and the air thick with lunacy that touches first the body then the mind that sees beauties, our silences over and the delicate fusion of minds begun, glad as the rose petal that cannot fall whilst someone cares, as we care, the soft embodiment of attachments that gather in strength and soothe, such heavens seen only once, yet never forgotten.
If you've any comments on his poem, John Cornwall will be glad to hear from you.