Suburban Soliloquies # 13
Many dream of escaping the city, to have a house of
their own, on a piece of property large enough to
insulate them from their neighbours. The wish is to
be able to open a window and have only quiet, the
smell of a cut lawn or leaves burning. The ability to
go no further than the back yard to lie down and bask
in the sun, to park the car next to your home, even
in it, this is the ideal. And people desire to feel
safe, to distance themselves from the crimes of the
city. Safe for the children, with many places for
them to play away from traffic, and provide each
child with a room of their own, what more can you
give them? This is why people leave the city in
droves to live in the suburbs, but the suburbs are an
The street I live on is 8/10ths of a mile long (1.3
kilometers). I live near one end; Dan and Diane lived
near the other. Dan and Diane were married for
seventeen years. The relationship produced three
daughters. They moved out of Philadelphia and into my
neighbourhood. A quiet family, many of their
neighbours didn't even know them by name. I don't
believe that I ever met them.
Dan, thirty-five, was six feet tall, medium build,
and his brown hair
already turning gray. He adored his children, was
described as an excellent father, and was not known
for violence.
Diane, thirty-seven, was also very concerned for her
children's welfare, caring and warm. She was a petite
woman, brown-eyed and dark blonde hair. She had
dropped out of high school because she didn't like it
and then worked very hard, but willingly. She loved
life and possessed the strong desire to live it.
Eventually, for reasons I don't know, and they are
none of our business anyway, she fell in love with
another man.
In their privacy, living out their lives anonymously,
they came apart. Dan left their suburban home and
went to live with his mother in Philadelphia. One
Wednesday morning, while the children were in school,
he returned to his home at the other end of my
street, to work things out with his wife. It was
about 10:00 a.m. If the neighbours heard anything, no
one thought it their right to get involved. It was
the last any of his neighbours saw of Dan.
Not much more than an hour later, shortly after 11:00
a.m., a 1988 Ford Taurus station wagon belonging to
Dan, stopped on the Tacony-Palmyra Bridge, a bridge
that spans the broad Delaware River between
Pennsylvania and New Jersey. He had quit his
car where the trussed arch of green girders begin to
arc above the roadway and across the central span.
The two motorist stuck behind the Taurus watched a
man wearing blue jeans and a flannel shirt, climb out
of his car and step over the guardrail on to the
walkway. The man gazed over the edge of the bridge at
the pier. Seeing below the abutment lined with
fenders, it didn't suit him. Perhaps it struck him as
too messy, or too much of a sure thing. He ran
fifteen feet back along the walkway, to be over the
river, and there he jumped the railing. At this point
he voluntarily forfeited any further control over his
life, but had given them over to natural forces. He
plummeted seventy-five feet (23 meters).
Ronald, who worked at a nearby marina, was in a
construction trailer reading when traffic stopping on
the bridge caught his attention. Out of the corner of
his eye he saw someone fall straight and he saw the
splash. Grabbing his binoculars, he searched the
river, but whoever it was he never saw return to the
The police found Dan's wallet had been left behind in
Dan's car.
At 2:50 p.m. their eldest daughter, sixteen years
old, arrived home from school to discover her mother
in the dining room, in a pool of blood, among the
tossed chairs and the knocked over table. Her mother,
dead, had been beaten about the face and neck, and
she had been strangled.
Dan stayed hidden in the cold, cold waters of the
river for the next three weeks. During a warm spell
he rose. Twenty-five days after his jump, his belt
buckle caught on a mooring 1 1/2 miles (2.4
kilometers) upriver from the bridge. He had been
found by a fisherman. The Philadelphia medical
examiner pronounced Dan dead at the scene. The body
was identified, later, by the serial number on a
heart valve installed during a 1988 surgery. Dan had
had a bad heart. Someone had invested in him by
having it fixed.
We shall now examine Dan's heart. Do we say Dan was
so much in love that he had to kill the woman he
loved and himself? I consider the devastation
to his three daughters, his mother, to all their
family and friends, and it is boggling; yet, some
there are who might call this love.
That was seven years ago. Diane's lover still visits
her grave.