Last Bus to Virtue The last bus passed my door an hour ago as an uptown night of sensual symphonic music plays to feed free illusions of caprice dimmed in subtle shades of neon flashbacks too late to leave this warm quilted comfort sleep the passing hours to forget tomorrow that awaits us downtown in the backstreets where East meets West tribal in its turmoil decadent to fascinate cosmopolitan gringo girls emotionally liberated cool sex safaris where black espresso meets creamed peach perfection spread on sunlit seductive strips cooling in shady bars with pineapple colas reflected in the mirrors a smile remembers his past video of conquests in naked nights now veiled in flesh as we flick fast forward to the present always different from the past until free narration of shared siroccos desire coalesces virgin lust transmuting alchemists wisdom to repose in blue negative formation a flashlight explodes the cover girl sensation locked together in the chequer board game at stake pawns scurry as black knight moves across to mate his queen in white engender carnal as four lettered words that elucidate lifes rationale in momentary appreciation of lost virtue
Tony Hunter
If you've any comments on his poem, Tony Hunter would be pleased to hear from you.