Days drift like yachts
trapped in some sargosso sea.
It's Earthquake weather.
Heat haze drops heavy
across distant barren hills.
It's Earthquake weather.
Clouds hang as bodies float
waiting for the sea to wave a final farewell.
It's Earthquake weather.
Pohutukawa drip blood across the road
stirred only by the drag of passing feet.
It's Earthquake weather.
We doze, leaning against rock, waiting
for the night.
It's Earthquake weather.
TV flickers volcano steam
and men spacewalk through moving sulphur clouds.
It's Earthquake weather.
We stir our sleep hot bodies,
turn, draw apart, seek lonely calm
for there is no rest.
It's Earthquake weather.

Alan Papprill


If you've any comments on his poems, Alan Papprill would be pleased to hear from you.