FILM CRITIC One : Notting Hill Such candy floss! A lightweight poem With comic rhymes might best describe it. If you have reservations - stow 'em. It's fizzy Cola - so imbibe it. It may not have the insight of a mean play By Strindberg but I simply lap it up. And actors who receive a screenplay Like this should always quickly snap it up. H Grant, J Roberts are the faces Ineffable with stardom while A randy Welshman is the basis For some coarse jokes which make us smile. And love behaves as it's inclined to And egos spill and make a mess, But there's an ending that's confined to Pure fiction, i.e. happiness. Two : The Matrix Your mother, lying in her pod of nutrients, Imagines she's a housewife in North Derbyshire. You are her child, believing in the milk she gives, Convinced you're at her breast. And years and years go by. On non-existent mornings, father rides a bus Which isn't there to find a desk which cannot be. He comes home in the evening with a lollipop. The grand conspiracy of interactive dreams Provides the orange tang, the smile, but not the care. The bike they bought you for your birthday never was. And nothing ever was except the love that gave it, Which means that something like philosophy is true: The solid world of space and time is fraudulent, But we can ground ourselves in love because it's real.
If you've any comments on his poems, K.M.Payne would be pleased to hear from you.