Epitaphs The poets of the East Village belonged to the ages, rolled their joints with pages torn from phonebooks, and nightly drank a bottle of rum and drifted high above the city, and one by one burst like roman candles - so fame bright lit each one, so fortune slow to come, the critics deaf and dumb, the poets wrote to haunt the coming dark of a generation. Greenwich Village poet Saint Paul suffered a fall, when he slipped on dog dropping in the middle of Bleecker Street; half-conscious, wrote two sonnets on the way to the hospital. Jeremy "the wretch" Thackeray slashed his wrists last night with a piece of glass as he was riding in a taxi. He was taken to Mt Sinai Hospital, where the nurses on the nightshift alas, all smoked grass and asked for autographs. Queen Elizabeth macho-feminist made complex all that was simple, smoked two vials of crack then shot herself in the left temple. The late poet Godfrey Mumpower won two Pulitzers, a gold medal from the Vatican assured his fate, though his obituary recalled his arrest for urinating in the offering plate at St Patrick's cathedral. Tom Hopkins dressed in women's clothing, leaped off the Brooklyn Bridge, freed himself from greed and loathing. Hubert "the Swami" made love to his Mommy, wrote a long poem about it all. Seventeen weeks on the bestseller list. Christmas day an oncoming uptown E-train crushed the brain of poet William B. Brothers and spilled the contents of his skull - a sheaf of papers, two rubbers, a barking dog, three thousand lovers. Ernest Slyman
If you've any comments on his poem, Ernest Slyman would be pleased to hear from you.