<Language = "DreamScript"> <--! hide from non-adults storeImage ( dreamText ) { split( dreamtext, Wordzzz); array[Wordzzz]; find[Wordzzz, verbs]; storeAs[Actionzzz]; split( dreamtext, Phrazzz); array[Phrazzz]; } findImage (Wordzzz, Phrazzz) ( Log-on(open IP/TCP); Link (Image, search-engine); foreach (Phrazzz, a) { findfirst (Wordzzz, Image) ; storeimage (Imagezzz, a); } } convertImage ( ) { foreach (Imagezzz) { createActionSeries(Actionzzz, n); } } runDreamMovie () { foreach add(Actionzzz, n) { format(MPG, finalMovie); open(mpg player); run(finalMovie); } { </DreamScript> end hide --> Please enter your dream here. ______________________ The DreamScript will search out images on the Net, modify them by placing them in an action series and create a movie of your dream.
Richard Wilkerson
If you've any comments on this program, Richard Wilkerson would be pleased to hear from you.