essex boy Essex boy 'unts autographed clobba from Smith, Sherman 'nd Baker that costs 'im fortunes that costs 'is muvva in favours. Essex boy does a pint does a curry does a dab of Charlie does it up the wall does ten miles to the gallon in 'is Cabriolet. Essex boy 'its the accelerata 'its Ibifa 'its the nightclubs 'its a stranga 'its the jackpot repeata 'its the gym Essex boy 'as a larf 'as a barf 'as a go 'as some dough 'as a shag wiv a slag wivout a bag then 'as 'er fags. Essex boy knows the score knows wot alloys 'e's stearin' knows wot 'ouse choon 'e's 'earin knows wot boys mag 'e's readin' knows wot to say to a gay knows a mate ov a mate wot can sort you out a good DJ. Essex boy sez play the game, son play football, golf and Playstation score wot you can when you can and can you score some hash, son? I said no mum, get your own, son.
Marco Scarola
If you've any comments on this poem, Marco Scarola would be pleased to hear from you.